The pressures facing student-athletes are greater than ever from their performance to social-media to NIL, any misstep could cost them everything.
During my time as a student-athlete, I had a teammate commit suicide. As a former hockey goalie, I had a career ending injury that resulted in me losing my identity. For years, I was known to everyone as a hockey player, not Greg. The summer after my injury, I watched my counterpart get drafted, I fell to a new low knowing how much I let my family down and how much they sacrificed for me. Years later these events still affect me, the what if’s, the do-over all play a role into who I am today.
For the last 20+years, I worked in Venture Capital investing in emerging technologies. Two years ago, we invested in a NIL based company only to find out every company is chasing sponsorship monies, yet not one company was assisting student athletes with how to handle the pressures associated with their grades, performance, sponsorship monies, and the mental health struggles that go along with them.
I took it upon myself to build a platform that assists every student-athlete with their struggles. At SA4MH, we understand every student-athlete deals with anxiety differently, which is why we offer a multitude of options for each student-athlete that suits their preference. Our goal is to eliminate the stigma associated with asking for help and providing the assistance when needed.